The Exit Strategy
Two Cats In A Morumbi Condominium
People seem to think I’m on some sort of extended holiday – so they always ask, “what do you do for work, Baz?” and “how can you afford to be overseas so long?”
There are two overarching ways to afford to live overseas (or at home) for longer.
One is to increase your earnings, the other is to decrease your spending. This should be a “Duh” moment for anyone who has ever had a job or had to pay for anything in their life. For the next two months, I’m using a method that removes one of the largest expenses we have: accommodation.
One of the ways I’ve managed to keep myself alive over here in Brazil for over a year now is by housesitting. Once, with in Rio Grande do Sul when I first arrived in Brazil – and now I have another housesit scheduled in for December and January – organised through
I’ll be living in Morumbi, Sao Paulo, from 16th December until 19th January
My job will be to make friends with and take care of two cats – Gregor & Mendel: feed them treats, scratch their bellies, make sure they’ve got a clean place for the pooping, and ensure they’re healthy and happy while their family is away on Christmas holidays.
In return, I’ll be given keys to a sweet pad in a city that is still new to me – gratis (free of charge). Including WiFi, three pools, tennis courts, a gym, and two new feline amigos to keep me company while I work and drink cups of tea by the window overlooking Sao Paulo city.
Marivilhoso, ne?! 🙂

The Exit Strategy
This is also part of my exit strategy from Brazil. Having a free place to stay, especially in Sao Paulo – makes getting home far more affordable (and more productive being in a place where things work)
I think I’ve been here long enough – and it’s time to go home at the end of January and work on the “Increase my earnings” part of the “Afford Life” equation for a little while.
Unless this happens…
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Tell me whether you think I’ll actually get home to Oz at the end of January – or if you think I’ll bump into my InstaFamous Celebrity Crush and never make it home 😛