Mount Warning Sunrise
Mount Warning Sunrise
19th September 2015
Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
In the early hours of Saturday, 19th September, I pulled into a 24-hour service station in search of a torch, some extra snacks, and a coffee thermos to take hiking up Mount Warning for sunrise – something I’d always wanted to do, but never got around to.
Prior preparation would have been a good idea – But two from three aint bad!
I was on my way to meet up with the two people game enough to join me climbing a mountain at night: Lou & Tara. While the rest of the world either slept or made their way home to pass out drunk, we were waking up and preparing to experience something new we might actually remember the next day.
Getting There, The Climb & The Prize
It wasn’t exactly “ideal” conditions for watching a sunrise by most people’s assessment, with intermittent cloud cover obstructing the rising globe of awesomeness, but I’m a man of my word and had said,”rain, hail or shine.”
And I’m glad I didn’t postpone. With the ever changing landscape of clouds, came constant transformations of what we were all happily watching unfold. Sometimes a glowing orange orb could be looked at directly, the thick clouds dulling the sun’s intensity to an eerie spectacle. When lower levels of cloud drifted past, the rugged looking topside landscape bounded in puffy hills out beyond the horizon.
And finally, the fleeting breaks of clear sky above and below would unleash bright sunlight through the valley, toward glimpses of the ocean. The impermanence of it all forced me to drink in as much of the landscape as possible – A vivid reminder that nothing is permanent, and to enjoy the good bits while they last.
Baz’s Packing List
Essentials – Torch/Headlamp, water.
Recommended – Snacks, Shoes, A second dry shirt/jumper, camera
Consider – Sunglasses, Camera, Coffee thermos & cookies, hiking stick
Got Something Else I Should Check Out? Tell Me!