Published “A Loose Guide To Canggu”
“A Loose Guide To Canggu”
[column width=66% padding=1%]Six months back, I was lucky enough to join a motley crew of miscreant vagabonds in Bali, all of us eager to learn a thing or two about writing from the minds of our Global Hobo mentors.
For a month, I was the lone rooster in a hen-house full of 28 birds, but this DOES NOT translate to an instant harem as others seem to have imagined. I am completely in awe of the dreamland these illegitimate clairvoyant friends of mine must live in. Whenever I tell people that I spent a month living in Bali with 28 girls their eyes light up and their mouths drop open, salivating in anticipation for what depraved tales may spew forth – only to be disappointed when I have none to offer.
Although it wasn’t some month-long, orgy-riddled love nest over there, it was an orgasmic writing & learning environment – which is what I went for… Honest!
Being immersed in a group of word-smiths who were all as interested in writing and travel as I am, and learning from mentors who know how to sling a pen around like a magic wand, was such an inspirational and motivational experience. This group of people really pumped me up to start pitching stories and hustling writing work, and I’m stoked to have steadily started growing my portfolio of published bits and pieces![/column][column width=30% padding=1%]
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A Loose Guide To Canggu
One of our objectives during the internship was to form a team of 15, get out and about exploring as much as we could, and collectively write, edit, format, and publish a guide-book to Bali. A few months later, “A Loose Guide To Canggu” became the new “go-to” guide for travellers looking for some sweet advice about Bali.
I’m very proud of the end product. But I think I’m even more proud of how quickly we all agreed to donate all proceeds to a Balinese charity for orphans – Metta Mama & Maggha. Nothing better than talented, good-hearted people! 😀
“Researching” A Nusa Lembongan Day Trip
But What About Brazil?
This writing intern-ship was a massive step in the right direction for Chapter Two: #AmazonWarrior.
If you haven’t heard what my reader-decided objectives are this year, I have been told to to move to Brazil and have a dozen stories published about topics surrounding the Amazon jungle: deforestation; land and city development; the wonders of the jungle & survival; and whatever other significant or important issues crop up along the way.
Improving my writing, and learning how to get myself published, are integral parts of completing these life ambitions. I never said it would be easy, or that it would be done overnight. All I said is that…
– Baz Out!