MC #004: FebFast
FebFast: “To Chew Or Not To Chew? That Is The Question!”
And What Else To Give Up In February?
FebFast is an Australian charity organization which encourages people to give up their #1 Bad Habit for the month of February, in order to raise money, in the form of sponsorship, to support young people who are struggling with addiction.
Febfast helps to fund youth support programs such as Youth Support & Advocacy Service, Family Drug support, Brisbane Youth Service, & The Ladder.
What Is My #1 Bad Habit?
The Offical FebFast website asks participants to select from one of five common vices during the sign up process: Alcohol, Junk food, Smoking, Social Media, or Sugar.
“I gave up smoking when I was about 7 or 8 years old, following a short-lived interest in smoking cigarette butts from the lawn” – Baz
This might have been a bit more upsetting to give up during my university days: when it wasn’t a question of IF I would drink… Rather, it was just a decision of how many parties I could afford to attend that week.
Nowadays, alcohol doesn’t bother me too much. I haven’t had a single drink since early December (that’s right, even New Years), and I’m not yet waking up in cold sweats. I’m happy to wake up without a hangover AND I think i can let loose without it if I have to.
However, because I’m planning a trip to Austria in mid Feb, and like the idea of partaking in local customs, STAYING COMPLETELY SOBER COULD BECOME TROUBLESOME!
Junk Food?
I can’t remember the last time I ate take away fast food… I generally cook my own food, and eat school lunches – Although, I could definitely eat healthier, more regularly, and increase the fresh fruit and vegetables even further. Sometimes I do get lazy and buy something that I just have to heat up.
Clean eating would be a worthwhile challenge, and perhaps be helpful in forcing me to take a closer look at improving my diet.
I gave up smoking when I was about 7 or 8 years old, following a short-lived interest in SMOKING CIGARETTE BUTTS FROM THE LAWN.
I see no reason why I would relapse into this disgusting and useless habit this month.
Social Media?
This is definitely one of my vices. Social media usage is something that I constantly need to monitor! Getting distracted by a “Thug Life” video collection, or HAVING to watch a bunch of goats or puppies doing funny shit is pretty difficult to cull out of my online diet – and would certainly be a healthy thing to part with for the month.
BUT! Because I am in the middle of building this WSBD Blogsite (which relies heavily on social media use), and because I will NEVER promise to do something that I know I can’t deliver on – Giving up Social Media is NOT AN OPTION THIS MONTH.
Writing this blog has just reminded me to eat the remaining half of a Cadbury Creme Egg I left in the fridge! mmm yum – Anyone who can eat JUST HALF of a Cadbury Creme Egg and save the rest surely isn’t going to have too much trouble giving up sugar cravings! Eh?! haha
Well… monitoring sugar intake is not as simple to manage as just not eating sweets. But I don’t consider sugar to be something I over-indulge in, and strictly abstaining from sugar would not have any significant benefit on my health. I predict this challenge would be a mild inconvenience in having to read more labels! 😛
Are any of you “nail-biters”?! This terrible habit is the absolute bane of my existence! I have anxiously been chomping away at the ends of my fingers for as long as I can remember. It is my absolute #1 Bad Habit and to kick it, after 20 years failing, would be pretty amazing.
Like smoking: it is a stupid, unhealthy, and useless thing to do to myself. Unlike smoking: You can’t simply stop buying them, or keep away from them (unless you constantly wear gloves, perhaps). These things are always there… Ten of them! Just begging to be nibbled at in times of stress, boredom, or hunger.
I have attempted to quit a few times in the past: nail polish, cold turkey, written reminders to myself. When I recently visited India in October, the increased threat of germs and my subsequent hygiene awareness, resulted in a successful two and a half weeks of nail growth – but, sadly, it did not last after returning to London.
At times I have audibly said to myself, “No, don’t bite them!”, but my inside voice replies with, “Oh, come on… I’ll just tidy up the edge on that one”. Going a month without nail-biting would be a new record for me, but I know I could do it with some peer motivational pressure.
The Question Is…
Which Challenges Should Baz Attempt For FebFast? If Any?
Choose TWO of the challenges below for Baz to attempt for Febfast!
*I will complete the top TWO challenges when voting stops.
[polldaddy poll=8618598]
*NOTE: For “Baz Should Not Participate” to win the vote, it must gain more votes than all other Choices combined.