Why Do This? Part 1: The Importance Of The Journey
Why I’m Letting Others Decide My Life? (Part 1)
The Importance Of The Journey
“My hope is to inspire others to challenge themselves & take the road less traveled!” – Baz
One of the most important messages www.whatshdouldbazdo.com is trying to highlight is the importance of the journey. How rewarding and beneficial it can be to purposefully pursue something outside of your comfort zone, try new things, and tackle completely new challenges: And how doing this enables a person to change and grow.
Having readers suggest – then decide – what I do, forces me outside my comfort zone by removing the ability to choose something I’d find easy or normal.
The positive peer pressure that I receive in this way is priceless. For me, this project will expose my weaknesses -Then FORCE ME to strengthen them.
And in doing so, my hope is to inspire others to challenge themselves & take the road less traveled as well! 😀
“When you take the journey, you’re choosing to experience a degree of pain. You’re choosing to have that pain harden you. When bad shit happens, that’s good. That’s real good. You need to actually have fucked up experiences in order to learn” – Tyler, RSD Nation
There Are Ten Possible Journeys For Baz

The Purposes Of This Site
(Here Is Number ‘4’)
Personal Development
“There is nothing I’d rather be doing, and nowhere I’d prefer to be,
Than doing something I’ve never done, in a place where I haven’t been.– Baz
What Should Baz Do is designed to have a positive impact on the world and to inspire others, but it also fulfills my aspirations for adventure, travel, and continual personal development of mind, body, and soul. These aspirations can all be satisfied by:
- exploring the world
- experiencing new people, places, and circumstance
- learning new skills
- and pushing my physical boundaries
But, where to start?
Have you ever felt like you wanted to do EVERYTHING… But had so many options – and so little time – that you become paralyzed by the decision?
“When faced with two equally tough choices, most people choose the third choice: to not choose.”
― Jarod Kintz
It is easy to say you will “seize the day” and “live life to the fullest”, but it is another thing entirely to actually live by these words and make it count.
Sometimes you need a nudge out of the nest before you can fly – I’m calling on all of you for my nudge. To remind me that:
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”
― Theodore Roosevelt